Friday, July 30, 2010
summer themed wool crazy
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Two Down, One To GO!
My contribution to Sharon's WCRR Pincushion is complete. To see close ups and a pic that is not flipped you'll need to go to Facebook. I am experienceing Technical Difficulties loading my images onto Blogger, sorry about that! I'm hoping to have it fixed soon.Remember you don't need to be a member of FB to see the pics.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Feather Stitch Tutorial

After over thirty minutes of scanning videos, this was my favorite and it was in fact, the one I chose to guide me. Hope it helps you, if you need it (I sure did, LOL!)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stitchin’ Thymes Update
I just joined the group. A friend and I have met three times so far to work on our Crazy Wool quilts. We meet about every other week or so.
The first meeting I was able to get the base done:
Our second meeting:
Our 3rd meeting:
So that is where I am so far. As you can see I like bunnies and pigs!! This is exciting, I love playing around with all my wool, it has been neglected for some time now!!
Until next time – Happy Stitching - Jennifer
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I Also Started!
Okay, I am noticing that my wool crazy isn't very brightly colored. But that is because I have more of a fall theme in mind. I did flip fold method, but I see I should have listened to the many directions and did it the basting way. Live and learn! But this is a fun project, so anything goes :o)
Colleen - Crazy for Primitive Quilts and Gardens
Monday, July 12, 2010
I finally started!

Saturday, July 10, 2010
You've Got To Start Somewhere!

Isn't it gorgeous???
I forgot to mention this is her first Wool Crazy Project. What a star, eh? You go girl!
Hope everyone is working on something fun! Brenda
Thursday, July 8, 2010
New Wool Bundles, Now In Stock!

Keep cool and don't forget to show us what you're up to...
we love wool around here!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The First Wool Crazy Round Robin is Ending Soon!
to start its Round Robin journey across the country. Remember?

and I know it's going to knock your socks off! Woo-HOO!