Today we made the final exchange of our pin cushion wool crazy pieces. First up is Ethel's Mr. McGarrity's Garden. She is thinking of making it a pocket for a sewing bag. The house and sheep were made by our friend Sandi. Debbie did the tree on the left with a rabbit hiding in the grass. I did the white rabbit and corn in the centre. Ethel started us off with the black rabbit, grey fence and hollyhocks on the right.

Here is Debbie's Halloween, she started the piece at the top. I added the skeleton tree, black cat, pumpkin and moon. Ethel added the witch flying on the broom over the pumpkin patch. Sandi added the witches boot, spiders and candy corn.
Sandi's Autumn theme piece started with her oak leaves and acorns on the top right. I added the turkey, cone flower and thistle. Later I added the moon and stars and heart on the turkey. Debbie created the pumpkin, black cat and scarecrow. Ethel finished it off with a pumpkin patch and little one dressed up in rain gear to pick out the perfect pumpkin.
My theme was flowers and bugs, it started with the tulip, lady bug and bee. Ethel then designed the daffodil and butterfly portion. Of to Debbie for the fantasy flowers, raindrops, there is a mouse at the base of one flower and a button. Sandi added the lovely dragonfly with metallic stitched wings. Ethel then took it back and added a fairy to finish it off.
I think we all did a lovely job on our friends pieces and can't wait to see them finished. When they are done, I'll post another picture. I've put some detail pictures on my own blog if you care to drop by for a peek. I don't know about the rest of my friends but I'm addicted too wool applique!